In 2022, the World Health Organization reported that 14% of deaths in children under 5 years old are caused by Pneumonia. The count went up to 740,180 in 2019. Pneumonia is a deadly disease but the solution is pretty simple. Did you know that a person can prevent pneumonia just by maintaining the correct nutrition? But that's where the problem occurs. The highest range of deaths from pneumonia is seen in South Africa and South Asia. That's because underprivileged kids are deprived of nutrition which keeps them constantly at severe risk. We should count our blessings for being privileged enough to get the nutrition we need. This blog will cover: What is pneumonia? How does pneumonia affect the lungs? Types of pneumonia Ayurvedic remedies to treat pneumonia Let's walk you through the various aspects of pneumonia to help you fight this disease better. What is Pneumonia? Pneumonia is an infectious disease mainly hampering the respiratory system. The disease has a major impact on the air sacs present in the lungs. It also causes inflammation that leads to several issues like congestion and breathing difficulty. Fun fact: In Ayurveda, pneumonia is called the shwasanaka jwara. Causes of pneumonia Is pneumonia contagious? Certainly! The most common cause of pneumonia is bacteria or viruses passed through saliva. Pneumonia being a communicable disease is very easy to catch if precautions (like covering your mouth in unhygienic areas) are not taken regularly. Drug-induced pneumonia is also a common cause of this disease. In some cases, pneumonia is seen due to complications occurring when a person has the flu. Hospital-borne infections like pneumonia occur a lot. Hospitals are potentially one of the most common areas to catch such diseases. Symptoms of pneumonia Symptoms of pneumonia can be divided into two categories: symptoms in adults and symptoms in children. The video below explains extensively what these symptoms are. However, if you have to sum up the potential signs of pneumonia in a person of any age, here are a few: High temperature Rigors in the body Chest pain with cough Thick phlegm production Shortness of breath Increased air expiration and inspiration Flaring of nostrils due to difficulty in breathing Soft, heavy, and rapid pulse Increased sweating, even in cold temperatures Weakness (sometimes accompanied by delirium) Rough, foul-tasting tongue P.S.: If the symptoms worsen and the pulse becomes more rapid, it's mandatory to take the patient to the hospital immediately. How Bacterial Pneumonia Affects the lungs? Bacterial pneumonia is not only the most common form of pneumonia but also the most serious type of pneumonia. The symptoms can grow slowly or abruptly. Fever can go extremely high (up to 105 degrees Fahrenheit). Once the infection hits the lungs, it can cause inflammation of the air sacs a.k.a the alveoli. The alveoli are filled up with pus which leads to difficulty in breathing. The patient will then cough with thick yellow or brown mucus. The fluid forms a layer between the lungs and the inner chest wall lining. This is called pleural effusion. The fluid buildup around the lungs can cause further complications. For instance, it may lead to a lack of oxygen in other body parts causing blue lips and nails and a delirious mental state. If antibiotic treatment fails to clear this abscess, the patient will need surgical removal. Generally, a chest tube is used to drain out the infected fluid. How severe can pneumonia become? Pneumonia is mainly caused due to the presence of bacteria in the body. The same infection can enter the blood if the treatment isn't done on time. This is called bacteremia. Bacteremia can cause a severe problem called septic shock. Septic shock is the reaction of the body to blood infection. The patient's blood pressure drops dangerously low which is why the heart fails at pumping enough blood to the organs. Once that happens, the organs in the body stop working, leading to eventual death. Types of Pneumonia Here are the major types of pneumonia: Community transmitted This type of pneumonia included bacteria-, virus-, and fungi-transmitted pneumonia. While viral and fungal pneumonia can be treated at home through antibiotics and antifungal treatments, bacterial pneumonia can become more serious. Hospital-acquired This type of pneumonia is acquired when the patient is admitted to the hospital. This can be life-threatening, especially for patients in intensive care units (ICUs). Healthcare-acquired Bacterial infections like pneumonia are quite common in clinics and long-term facilities. Not every healthcare unit is cleaned thoroughly which is why pathogens remain and cause severe diseases. Aspiration Some people face poor gag reflexes because of various reasons like drugs, alcohol, food, vomiting, and/or brain injury. This means it enters the air passage instead of the digestive system. This can cause aspiration pneumonia, meaning pneumonia is affected because of sucking unwanted items into the airways. Ayurvedic Remedies to Prevent Pneumonia Antibacterial herbs and medicines aim at preventing pathogens from harming the body. Ayurvedic herbs like kutaja, Indian gooseberry, bhringraj, sesame, heart-leaved moonseed, and malabar nut can protect the body from pneumonia. Keeping this in mind, here are the top 3 ayurvedic remedies that can treat pneumonia. Fenugreek Ayurveda for pneumonia considers fenugreek to be an excellent remedy. Studies have found fenugreek leaves full of antibiotics which makes a perfect case here. Prepare a cup of fenugreek tea by adding fenugreek and honey, and you will have a beverage full of anti-pneumonia powers. Basil Basil (a.k.a tulsi) is known for its antibacterial properties. Studies have revealed that Basil polysaccharide, an ingredient present in basil can improve the chances of survival from pneumonia. It does so by developing the body's resistance to the disease. Because of this, basil can make an excellent ingredient to fight inflammation and congestion. It also prevents the bacteria from mixing in the blood. Balance Ayurveda Cough Syrup Not every ingredient is easy to find in the market. Sometimes, making a kadha for pneumonia can sound easier than doing it. This is why you can try the Balance Ayurveda Cough Syrup is worth a try. It is created with anti-inflammatory ingredients like Tulsi, Kali Mirch, Ginger, Mulethi, and Honey. It can relieve any kind of discomfort caused by respiratory diseases. Bottom line Pneumonia is a deadly disease. But with proper nutrition and the use of ayurvedic pneumonia medicine, you can remove the risks easily. At Balance Ayurveda, we always encourage people to choose precautions before cure. However, pneumonia can occur due to unforeseen reasons. The good news is that it is treatable with Ayurveda when taken care of at an early stage. However, always remember to visit the hospital immediately if the symptoms get worse.